11 Milperra Road, Revesby NSW 2212

Planning a Funeral

Why pre-plan your funeral

Have you given any thought as to how you want to be remembered? What kind of legacy you would like to leave? Did you leave footprints through your talents at work or leave impactful memories with your kindness and thoughtfulness of others?

Discussing the highs and re-living the achievements of your life with those you hold dearest could be a wonderful experience, as well as provide loved ones with a level of comfort in knowing that when the time comes, they’ll have given you the respectful send-off you deserve. It can be incredibly rewarding to imagine some of the more intricate, finer details that pre-planning a funeral can offer.

Have you had the conversation with your loved ones about what you’d like to happen when you pass away? Are you waiting for the right time? There might never be a convenient time to have this conversation, but what if there was another way. Where Instead of looking at the certainty of death with fear, we changed the dialogue to one where we were the masters of how the story of our life would be told? Where we took control of how our life was celebrated with the refinement and acknowledgment it deserves.

Pre-planning for your funeral can ease the pressure and decisions faced by your loved ones. At the same time, it allows you to direct and manage the way you’d like to be remembered. Pre-planning your funeral can be a great way to show the people you care about most how much you love them.


What is a pre-planned funeral?

Sometimes referred to as prearranging, pre-planning a funeral is a way to communicate your wishes for a funeral in Benefits of planning ahead

Planning a funeral can be an overwhelming process. Funeral directors spend around 2 hours with a family member when a loved one has passed away. Added pressures at a time of grief can cause stress and may not allow them to create the service they’d have liked to honour your legacy. With up to 80 different questions that need to be answered, ensuring your family know how to respond to these questions will allow them time and space to grieve at a time they’ll need it most.


Pre-planning your funeral will:

  • Allow you to make decisions concerning your funeral in your own time
  • Give you peace of mind to know that your affairs are in order and your wishes will be carried out as planned
  • Alleviate uncertainty
  • Lift financial and emotional pressure from the shoulders of your family and/or friends
  • Control the cost of the funeral by choosing only the services and products that mean the most to you
  • Allow your family to spend more time together offering each other comfort, support, and love at a time when they need it most
  • Help avoid arguments between family members. The loss of a loved one is a trying time and emotions can tend to run high. Big decisions can become the source of frustration and stress
  • Ensure a meaningful funeral. A proper send-off provides a sense of closure and enables the family to begin the healing process.
  • Document specific preferences for your remains and your funeral ceremony
  • Show the people you love that you’re still thinking of their best interests. Taking care of your funeral arrangements is a thoughtful and caring thing to do for your family.

Do I need to pay for my funeral at the same time as I plan it?

There is no payment required to pre-plan. Planning your funeral can be a separate matter from financing it and you can always consider your payment options later.

A prepaid funeral allows you to pay in advance to financially secure your funeral plans at today’s prices.

If you have planned the details of your funeral, you might decide that the next logical step would be to pay for it.