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Retained Earnings Guide, Formula, and Examples

This is because they’re recorded under the shareholders equity section, which connects both statements. Most shareholders prefer that companies issue retained earnings as dividends or reinvest them to increase their growth. Ways of describing negative retained earnings in the balance sheet are accumulated deficit, accumulated losses, or retained losses. It…...

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Australia ranks the highest among more than 20 countries for meth use

Anti-meth programs like the Montana Meth Project and Faces of Meth played a big part in this. They were very visual campaigns that focused on the damage meth does to the body. Sociologists Travis Linnemann and Tyler Wall have a great journal article on this. Researchers mapped the use of…...

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What Is Decentralized Finance DeFi and How Does It Work?

The blocks are “chained” together through the information in each proceeding block, giving it the name blockchain. Information in previous blocks cannot be changed without affecting the following blocks, so there is no way to alter a blockchain. This concept, along with other security protocols, provides the secure nature of…...

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